Julian Kang
I am currently...
Pursuing a dual degree in Computer Engineering and Political Science from Purdue University - West Lafayette, with an expected graduation date of May 2025 (soon!!).
Preparing to move back to Singapore, and learning how to reconnect with old friends as well as make new ones.
Learning how to be an adult. Thinking of how I can maximize the competing areas of:
Career advancement & personal finance
Health & fitness
Family & friends
Personal goals
Things I currently like:
Brewing coffee at home using my Aeropress (+Prismo) and KINGrinder K6
Aquariums, and other seaborne creatures. I used to have 3 goldfish, snails, and neon tetras before leaving for college.
Boardgames. The games I enjoy include Tiny Epic Galaxies, Biome, and will soon include Chroma Arcana.
Reading on my Kindle, and listening through Audible & Libby.
Long walks outdoors.
Things I've previously liked, but have taken a pause on:
Film photography on my Kodak Ektar H35N.
Making(TM) or the collection of skills (e.g., 3D-printing & CAD, embedded systems programming, electronics design & fabrication) needed to create robots, gizmos, and devices.
Digital art using Procreate on my iPad.